Department of Accounting and Finance Management
Hello, I'm Prof. Dr. Ummuhan ASLAN. I am the Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance Management, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University. Our department admitted its first students in the 2014-2015 academic year. There are 7 academic staff working in our department, including 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 2 doctoral lecturers and 1 research assistant. All of our academic staff consists of staff who have received overseas education and have international experience. Our department is also a department that provides graduate education. We also have a master's degree in accounting and auditing. In this department, we accept students both in the spring term and in the fall term. The main vision of our department is to support the employment gap in the field of accounting and finance both in the public and private sectors. In our department, we have both social courses and courses that will prepare everyone for business, mainly accounting and finance courses. Of course, as the world develops, we are making updates in our curriculum and content with technology and digitalization. We do this both in the spring and in the fall. Last semester, we started providing an important course regarding blockchain technologies. Perhaps these courses have just begun to be opened in other universities. We teach this course to our students for two semesters. At the same time, we started to increase the variety of our courses on statistics and data analysis. Because both accounting and finance are data-driven. Therefore, we are renewing our curriculum day by day and continue to open new courses so that our students can follow the technological developments in this field and find a job more easily. We have two laboratories in our department. We teach accounting package programs in one of them. We also have another lab for finance courses. In this new laboratory, our students can partake in investment simulations. They can perform technical and fundamental analysis, closely follow the developments in the capital markets and try to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities. Of course, software such as logo, eta and micro are taught to our students through these laboratories in our laboratories where our lessons are given with accounting package programs. In order for our students to graduate, they need to undertake an internship for at least two semesters, a total of 40 days. Our students can find their internship places on their own. If our students cannot find their internship places by their own means, we, as faculty members, ensure that they do. At the same time, there is a protocol between Eczacıbaşı Holding and our department. Within the scope of this protocol, our students have the opportunity to do internships at the establishments of Eczacıbaşı Holding in Bozüyük each semester. This is a very important opportunity for our students. Because, in order for our students to do their internship at Eczacıbaşı Holding, they have to take the exams. However, our students do not have such an exam requirement. Our students can do their internship directly at Eczacıbaşı Holding. Of course, in order for our students to graduate, they must also prepare a project homework. The project assignments we give to our students at the beginning of the semester and the projects made through a meeting where the whole department gathers together at the end of the semester are shared with our other students. We have ERASMUS agreements that we offer to our students. We have ERASMUS agreements in various European countries and we send our students to these places. We have students in countries such as Italy and Poland. There are even students who have completed their undergraduate and graduate degrees in those regions. We make a great effort with our department teachers to ensure that our students go to ERASMUS. Because we are aware that students' going to ERASMUS makes a very important contribution to their business and future lives. In this regard, our department teachers have a great effort and motivation for our students to benefit from ERASMUS education.We can hold conferences and workshops in our department. Our most important workshop is the Case Workshop we have for Accounting Education, which has become a tradition and we have done together with Istanbul University Faculty of Business Administration. The case workshop we held in Osmaneli District, Bilecik and recently in Bozüyük attracts great attention abroad. Teachers from various parts of the country come to the case workshop and participate. The case study model is a model developed by Harvard Business School and is used a lot. We are trying to teach our academic staff and faculty members how to use cases in education and to increase their experience with them. This is one of our most important events. The Blokchain Club in our department also holds events. Blokchain Club is a club that is not very common in other universities. Within the scope of this club, we organize conferences at our school, provided that they are online and offline, with experts in the field of blockchain technologies, digitalization and web technologies. We take care to arrange them in series. After graduating from our school, our students can become independent accountants and financial advisors. As we all know, public accountancy is a licensed profession. Therefore, in order to obtain this license, our students have the opportunity to obtain this license after taking the necessary internships and exams after school. In addition, our students have the opportunity to work in audit companies. There are opportunities to work in private audit companies and independent audit companies. In addition, our students can find jobs in public and private banks. Of course, if they succeed in the exams, they still have the chance to find a job in public institutions. Our department is an equally weighted department. It is a math major. Mathematics, statistics, finance and accounting are the main courses of our department. We observe students having difficulties from time to time in these courses. But our faculty members show the necessary care and meticulousness in this regard. If our students have problems, our faculty members help them to overcome their problems by providing the necessary support to our students in their office. I have a few recommendations for students who will choose our department. Students who can think analytically, involved with digital world, who love dealing with data and information, love dealing with computer technologies and are extroverts should choose this department. Our department focuses on accounting and finance, and we deal entirely with data. Since we are dealing with data, we need to have a good command of computer technologies. Therefore, it will be extremely beneficial for students who love computer and web technologies and want to improve themselves in this field, to choose our department. I would like to give some information about the opportunities we offer to our students who will choose our school. Our school has a young and dynamic academic staff. This is a very important factor in the upbringing of our students. In addition, the destination where our school is located is in an extremely convenient place in terms of transportation. Again, the region where our school is located is an industrial region and our students have the opportunity to find a job and do internship in this region. Having ERASMUS agreements at our school offers opportunities abroad. It helps our students to go abroad and gain many experiences there. Of course, there are internship opportunities at our school. We can consider the protocol we signed with Eczacıbaşı Holding as the most important benefit of our school. Because students have the opportunity to work in these places after graduation. Apart from this, we organize various technical trips for our students. These are business trips or audit company trips, we make trips to the Central Bank or other bank headquarters trips. These trips provide important opportunities for our students and open new horizons. In addition, there are various student clubs in our department. One of them is the accounting and auditing club, and the other is the blockchain club. Through these clubs, our students organize events, host guests, and develop their networks within the scope of organizations. These are important opportunities that we offer to our students in business and school life. If you would like to take advantage of these opportunities, you can easily choose our department and university. I wish success to all students who will take the exam. We welcome you to Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University and Faculty of Applied Sciences.
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