Political Science and Public Administration
Hello, I am Assoc. Dr. Sanem BERKUN. I am a faculty member at Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. I am also the head of the department. Our department focuses on political science and public administration, particularly managing relations. In our department, we try to find answers to questions related to state and society, social problems, power, formation of states, what duties and functions they have, in the context of academic studies and theoretical diversity. In our political science and public administration department, courses are mainly offered in the fields of politics and social sciences, urbanization and environmental problems, management science and legal science. In this context, courses with international dimensions such as introduction to political science, basic concepts of law, constitutional law, urbanization and environmental problems, local governments, comparative politics, Turkey-EU relations are also included. Starting from the second year in our department, students tend to focus on any of the fields I have mentioned, according to their interests, with elective courses. In our department, internships are carried out in line with the wishes of our students, and in this context, students even have an idea of what kind of work environment they will work in when they graduate. Our department has undergraduate and graduate programs. Our undergraduate and graduate students can benefit from ERASMUS exchange programs and continue their education abroad and gain experience abroad. The students of our department, especially our graduate students, are directed to participate in various congresses, and their work in this context is followed up with our academic support. This gives students an idea of how they will work if they become academics in the future. Since our department is a department with theoretical diversity, it offers very advantageous and expansive working opportunities. Generally, when the department of political science and public administration is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the district governorship or administrative judgeship, any position in the bureaucracy really. Apart from this, taking different positions in the private sector or non-governmental organizations and working in banks are also options. In this sense, what our students will do when they graduate from our department depends on what they want to focus on. First of all, students who will prefer our department should be interested in social events, social problems and history. It is required as a prerequisite for them to be successful in their courses. It is not possible for those who love to read and are willing to improve themselves to have difficulties in the courses of our department. In this context, it will be beneficial for them to make an effort to improve their skills, especially in terms of their foreign language skills. It would be beneficial for the candidates who will prefer the department of political science and public administration to be ready to take part in various positions at the state level in the future or to be willing to take an active role in politics. I recommend students who are considering choosing Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University to first consider the distance between their place of residence and Bilecik. Bilecik is a popular city with its variety of transportation facilities. Our university is preferred due to its location and the integrity of its campus. Bilecik is great for students, its people are hospitable. If you are interested in our department and Bilecik is a livable city for you, we would be happy to welcome you among us. I wish good luck to students who will take the university exam. We welcome you all to Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
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